How to Create a Microsoft 365 Tenant Trial Without Using Credit Cards

How to Create a Microsoft 365 Tenant Trial Without Using Credit Cards

Microsoft provides a range of subscriptions offering different services and apps, varying between each subscription. You can assess your organization’s needs and determine the most suitable subscription. Before committing to a paid subscription, you have the option to explore a trial. This trial allows you to test settings, apps, and services before making a full purchase. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the detailed steps to create Microsoft 365 tenant trial without requiring a credit card. Let’s dive in!

How to Get a Trial Microsoft 365 E3 Tenant?

To set up a Microsoft 365 tenant trial, follow the steps below.

  1. Get into this link.
  2. In the ‘About you’ section, enter your valid email address (You can use your personal Gmail ID). Once done, click “Next”.
    step 1
  3. Click the “Set up account” option. If you need to change the email ID, you can make use of the “Change my email” option.
  4. Fill up your First name, Surname, Business phone number, Company name, and Company Size.

  5. Leave the privacy statement section as it is and click “Next”.
  6. You can select the “Text me” or “Call me” option to receive a verification code via a text or a call for a security check. Once checked in any of the above two options, verify the phone number once and click “Send verification code”.
  7. Enter your received verification code in the ‘Enter your verification code” option. If you didn’t get the verification code for a long time, click “Try again”.
  8. Once you enter the correct verification code, click “Verify”.

  9. In the next section, make sure to note down the username and Domain name as it will be used for sign-in purpose.
  10. After that, proceed to create a password for your account with the two options below.

    The password you enter will be used to sign in to the created trial tenant E3. So,
    make sure to note down the password.

    a. Password – Enter a new password with a minimum length of 8 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (! @ # $ % ^ & * – _ + = [ ] “|: ‘, . ? / ` ~ “).
    b. Confirm password – Enter the same password you configured in the above section. It’s to double check your password. Once done, click Next.

  11. That’s it, a trial Microsoft 365 tenant gets created. You can stop here and ignore the “payment info and finish” section. You can leave this tab and open a new tab in the same browser.
  12. In the new tab, enter this link.
  13. You will be landed in the Microsoft 365 admin center of your tenant.

How to Create a Microsoft 365 Tenant Trial Without Using Credit Cards

by Sudha time to read: 2 min